FAITH Gardens (Food Always In The Home)
FAITH Gardens are designed to produce the maximum amount of high-nutrition produce in a minimally-sized household garden.
Each garden is served by a single bucket drip irrigation system and provides enough vegetables for a small family.
FAITH Gardens emphasize growing a standard set of vegetables / fruits using good gardening techniques, including plant rotation and composting.
The following are the basics of a FAITH Garden program in a village:
FAITH Gardens groups consist of 7 participants each
FAITH Gardens consists of 4 high-nutrient, high-yield vegetables (Healthy Food Basket) planted in 4 raised bed rows
FAITH Gardens are typically 25 by 12.5 feet in dimension
Garden plots are de-rocked and protected with hand-built fences
Seedlings are grown in co-operative seedling starter beds
Participants are trained in "Survival Gardening" curriculum developed by Healing Hands International
Participants build bucket stands to elevate irrigation buckets and provide their own bucket as their "personal equity investment
JVP provides a drip irrigation system and seeds for two start-up seasons​
Participants share in 3 Bible studies during the gardening season
The Jubilee Village Project partners with local villages to identify and train leaders to develop and expand FAITH Gardens through the successful equipping and launching of multiple FAITH Gardens groups.