emPOWERing LIFE (EPL) is microloan program designed to transform households through the supply of low-cost solar lighting solutions.
The solar lights reduce the need for kerosene lamps (Luo = nyangile) that are costly, a fire hazard and emit unhealthy smoke.
The following are the basics of the emPOWERing LIFE program:
EPL groups are formed as small Savings Groups consisting of 6-8 participants and a Group Leader
Training on the benefits of Solar Lighting is provided to the participants
​Solar Lights are purchased by JVP and distributed to the participants
Required Pay-In amounts are saved by the participants (approximately $4 each) to begin the program
Participants make 8 weekly Pay-Backs of about $3 each to pay off their microloan
Participants share in 3 Bible studies during the loan period
After the microloan is paid back, each participants fully owns the solar light / charging kit and no longer has the weekly cost burden of kerosene supply and phone charging.